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Set Your New Year’s Financial Resolutions with These Five Budgeting Goals Thumbnail

Set Your New Year’s Financial Resolutions with These Five Budgeting Goals

With the new year approaching, many are getting ready for their 2023 resolutions. This is the perfect opportunity to set your financial goals for the year and get on track to a financially stable future. Use these five goals as a guide for your planning, and make 2023 the year you take full control of your finances and make progress towards the future about which you’ve been dreaming.

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Retirement Prep: When To Claim Social Security Thumbnail

Retirement Prep: When To Claim Social Security

While your retirement strategy should not depend on it as your sole source of income and financial security, deciding when to claim Social Security can make a difference in your monthly bottom line. Just like with actually entering retirement, to minimize the amount of stress both financial and emotional that you experience, timing is key.

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Retirement Prep: Social Security's Past, Present, and Future Thumbnail

Retirement Prep: Social Security's Past, Present, and Future

Social Security has a history as old as humanity itself. Understanding the purpose and the intentions behind the Social Security program in the United States will help you understand why it is a valuable asset in your retirement preparation and the importance of timing when you apply for Social Security benefits.

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Retirement Prep: How Much You Should Save Thumbnail

Retirement Prep: How Much You Should Save

How much should you save for retirement? Determining how much money you need in retirement is a process. It shouldn't be a number that you pull out of thin air. Your financial professional can help identify some of these financial and lifestyle factors you should consider when deciding how much you should put aside for retirement.

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Retirement Prep: Your Lifestyle in Retirement Thumbnail

Retirement Prep: Your Lifestyle in Retirement

Everyone has a perfect lifestyle in mind, including the passions they dream of pursuing in their retired years. While it isn't merely a matter of investment decisions that make the difference, there are certain dos and don'ts that tend to encourage retirement happiness and comfort.

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Retirement Prep: Get Ready for Early Retirement Thumbnail

Retirement Prep: Get Ready for Early Retirement

Most people consider 65 as the age of retirement, but you don’t have to wait that long. If you’re ready, you could retire before you turn 60, or even before you turn 50. However, before you take the first step toward retirement, it is incredibly important to be sure you are leaving the workforce with the right mindset and the correct estimation of your financial potential.

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